Cue the New You | Meritt Rollins Brown

Ep 8 | 23 Lessons Learned from 2023

Meritt Brown Season 2 Episode 8

Hey, my cuties. I hope everyone has had a lovely winter break and holiday season this far. Our house has been filled with cleaning schedules, family gatherings, dog sitting. Lots of laughter lots of cookies and making lasting memories together.  Today's episode is going to be short and sweet, and I'm going to be rounding up 23 lessons. I have learned in the year of 2023. And a highlight from each month of the year.  Which I think will be fun. 

I'll go over some epic adventures fails and wins. The joy of raising amazing kids.  Making genuine connections and having friendships blossom. In  the vital importance of self care and how each of these aspects have contributed to my growth for this year. 

 So let's go. Look at some highlights from each month and things I learned along the way.

Be sure to stay connected over on Instagram and TikTok for more self-care, mindset, fitness, and health content!




Hey, my cuties. I hope everyone has had a lovely winter break and holiday season this far. Our house has been filled with cleaning schedules, family gatherings, dog sitting. Lots of laughter lots of cookies and making lasting memories together. Today's episode is going to be short and sweet, and I'm going to be rounding up 23 lessons. I have learned in the year of 2023. And a highlight from each month of the year. Which I think will be fun. I'll go over some epic adventures fails and wins. The joy of raising amazing kids. Making genuine connections and having friendships. Blossom. In the vital importance of self care and how each of these aspects have contributed to my growth for this year. So let's go. Look at some highlights from each month and things I learned along the way. Let's queue the lessons. Starting off with lesson number one. Learning to be present with the kids. Because I tend to multitask or pack too much into my day that I struggled with ending. The Workday and just spending time with the kids in one side, designated working hours and practice putting my phone away. I enjoyed more quality time with them. And. I think I forgot what I said in January of last year, but this January, my goal is to be intentional. So intentional with my time. And intentional with. My environment and surroundings and what I'm spending my time doing and who I'm spending my time with. So that goes with still being present with the kids and. With my family and friends. In January, it was filled with. Me. Wanting to grow. And so I started posting videos on Tik TOK and Instagram more. Because I get caught up in my fear of the judgment of others, but also not really knowing who I am yet. And. Kind of getting my personality to shine in my videos. Um, so posting videos has been challenging for me, but like I say, with everything else, the more you do something, the more you do something. So here's you posting more? Creative content in 2024 and not comparing myself to other creators. And trying new tactics and editing styles. And learning to not let fear stop you from doing something. Because this comes up. Again, and again, for me, Throughout the year. Learning to trust yourself and to push past that fear. But Jr. January was also a hurling tournament. Month. And I learned that I was very out of shape, which helped kickstart my fitness journey again, but it was also the start of learning and hearing about the world's Kamogi games happening. In Derry, Ireland in July for the first time. Which I will get to that later. February was a time to celebrate birthdays. Both my daughter and I have birthdays in February and making is one of the most creative kids. I know who can. Whip up something from nothing in a matter of minutes. She has the best laugh. And she's the most confident when rocking her mullet. My best friend and I have started a tradition of going to the mountains in February. And so we joined her. In her boyfriend. And his daughter over in Waynesville, North Carolina for a fun-filled weekend. But just remembering to take the time. And enjoy genuine connections with old and new friends has been a highlights. For me this past year. Um, for my birthday, my friends. Zach and OJ helps me celebrate in a fun way. Um, I mean, along with my husband as well, and we have learned that I am indeed still not a good dancer, but I love to dance and I'm not afraid to embarrass myself. When it comes to dancing. So if you're with me, I apologize. March was the start of our hurling season. And we started off strong by winning a trophy. I think it was the Nashville tournament that we won. Um, I learned to watch where I was running. So I don't run straight into a guy who is built like a brick wall because that hurts. We had so many ventures of our friends and their kids and so many soccer games. That we went to, and I definitely had to learn to shut my mouth during soccer games that my kids play in. Um, and just to let them play, like, why am I taking it so seriously when they are just learning how to play. Like calm down. April is the time to celebrate. A really sincere and special couple getting married. And again, the brown family led out all of our signature dance moves, and we learned that makings bestie. Let's move is the worm. So remember to get your groove on in dance, like no one is watching. April was also the start of my Ireland training. I believe this is when I went down to Atlanta to try out for the Kamogi team because. Most of the team was from the Atlanta movie club who went over to Ireland. This is also the month when I was featured on a website with a picture of me running from a movie game and I did not look my best. But. Because of all the self care practices and mindset work that I had done. Over the past years. I didn't get. Two down on myself, or like embarrassed about the picture, but. It was a nice motivator. Two. Take my getting in shape. A little more seriously. Um, And lessons learn from that was to prioritize myself and my goals. And hire a trainer and I couldn't be happier with how my relationship with my trainer has blossomed and how much seeing marina each week. Lifts me up emotionally and mentally. iF you have a goal in mind, take action, get help and get support and get you a kick ass trainer. Apparently we did so many things in April because I totally forgot. We attended the T swift concert. My amazing sister hooked me up with some tickets and I was able to take my. Youngest kid. And my best friend took my middle child because they are Kendra and middle child spirits. And my other friend took my son because. My son hangs out with her son all the time. Um, so we're always over at each other's houses. And it was just an epic weekend. And all of the kids and adults. Love the concert. Oh lesson learned there is to always bring earplugs to concerts because holy shit. T swift was so loud. Like my ears were hurting. For hours after that concert. Oh, and also when you are going through the doors and any subway station, and it clearly states that only one person goes through at a time. Trust the sign. Don't try to squeeze two people through those doors because one of y'all will be getting hit in the face. With the door. May was filled with Maybe training hurling practices, weightlifting sessions, getting a hundred touches with the litter in for Ireland and opening up my life. Coaching business. Lessons learned consistency is key when it comes to achieving your goals. Not every day is going to be filled with motivation, but you have to practice the art of showing up, even when you don't feel like it. Especially when you have a big goal. In mine. So I really skipped a day of touching this litter for Ireland. Sometimes I didn't hit the ball a hundred times against the wall, but I had passed it or threw it up and called it a hundred times. So I was always. Doing something with the slitter. Every day, sometimes it was the first thing in the morning. Other times it was 10:00 PM. At night. But either way I. Don't think I ever missed two days in a row. Um, and I started building myself trust up. Meaning when I said I was going to do something, then I was going to do what I said I was going to do. It may was also the time to celebrate our graduating fifth grader. And at the end of their graduation party, the firetruck came and they created a massive slip and slide for the kids. So remember to have fun and go down that slip and slide with your kids. We're gearing up for summer break in June. And I hear all the time that we only have so many summers with our kids and it's true. Trying to figure out something for us to do every day was fun, but that definitely came with learning how to plan ahead of time and sticking to that schedule in. Also adjusting when needed. It's like if we wanted to go to the pool one day, but then it started to rain then. We had to figure out something else to do. But we enjoy trips to the zoo waterparks and. To the pool. And I learned that I am definitely a summer Gurley, a hundred percent. I love being outside in hot and humid weather. I also didn't mind where I can. My bikini all summer, um, my kids are definitely water babies. And I have mountain pleasant to thank for that. Because our kids were born in Mount pleasant, South Carolina, and we lived right by the beach. And so I would take them. To the beach almost every week during the summer months. Some of our best memories. Come from being around water, whether it's from the beach or from the lake house or times we have spent at the quarry. So get around water. When you can. We enjoyed for the second year in a row. Knoxville's pride Fest and learned that our kids. Enjoyed drag. They enjoyed the drag show. It was a lot of fun. We also learned that sunscreen is really important on summer days when you are outside for hours at a time. So put that sunscreen on. June was the time I learned that I was one of the captains for the world's Kamogi team. And later I learned that I'm not the best leader. I was very fortunate to have Danielle. By my side as the other captain for the team. July was the month of planning in anticipation as we, we meaning. Uh, my husband and I. As we geared up to head to dairy. Ireland where I played in the Kimoji world games. And he played in the hurling world games. But both teams. Represented the Southeast, actually the boys had to. Hurling teams. Representing the Southeast. But before heading to Ireland, we spent time with friends at an epic like house. There was like, 15 of us. In this house, on the lake, in like, I don't know. Uh, doesn't actually there, there had to be more than 15 of us. There was like a dozen kids. I don't know. It was just, it was crazy. And it was so much fun. We spent time tubing and fishing and wakeboarding. But the older you get, the more, sorry yet. We can do water activities like wakeboarding and tubing. Um, and remember, you may not get as much air as you did as a kid. Also learn when to stop. Like when you have a good run on the white board. Like go out on a win. Don't try it again. But a few of us got hurt. Because we just think that. Where you were still young. And we can keep going and keep doing these crazy things. In. Uh, our bodies just won't let us sometimes to learn when to quit. Well you're ahead. I also played in one of my best Kamogi matches two dates in July. Lesson learned there. Um, I got really frustrated in the first couple of games and I had to find a spot to sit and reflect on how I was feeling. And focus on what I wanted to change about my attitude for our last match. And taking the time made me realize that I control my emotions and I can either respond or react and I wanted to respond and I did. So after winning that tournament, we spent the rest of the time training and packing for our trips. Our kids were headed to. Can't Sidley and grants, which is their grandparent's house. And also my parents, um, But they were. Taking them in for those. Few weeks. So Rob and I were gone, but they worked out, um, because. Bash went to. Uh, camp not far from my parents' house for one week, and then the girls went the next week. Um, so they each got quality time with. My parents. And then they also had. Time. Spent at this camp for a week. So learning to be. Grateful for having help and having parents who can help, who are willing to watch our kids. for over two weeks, like, As such a blessing. So thank you, mom and dad for that. Without their help Robin, I would not have been able to go. On this epic European adventure. Because we not only went to Ireland, but we went to Spain and Scotland as well. And that can be an entire episode on its own and the committee world's tournament as well, but I would say a few lessons about. And this adventure. So Valencia Spain has so much to offer a lesson learned from there is don't jump into the thermal Springs dam. You will jump into some of the coldest water ever. I also don't dive into water where you can't see the bottom. Um, because you will hit your head on a rock. Ireland. Is so green, it has the most luscious grass. And every county has their own hurling pitch, which I think is amazing. Um, also pet all the cows and sheep and horses that you see. Because why not? Animals bring me so much joy and I love petting. All the animals. Everyone in Ireland is so nice. So be sure to chat with the locals. And also make sure you know how to drink. Guinness properly. Scotland's weather is insane. So pack for all seasons, even if you are only there for the weekend. And a venture down the narrow and cricket alleyways. If you are an Annenberg. Edinburgh Edinburgh. Oh, my gosh. Aye. I've gone to Edinburgh, Germany, and I'm getting those two mixed up. At emerg and Ember. Scotland. Okay. Um, I've ventured down the narrow and cricket alleys in the cities, because you never know what you'll find along the way. Also, if you want to get great pictures. I do that early as early. As early as you can. Also remember don't drink two bottles of wine and only get three hours of sleep before a plane ride. The next day, because you will be miserable on that plane ride. The biggest lesson of the year for me though, is to not give up on yourself. Whether that's in business, whether that's in your health journey, um, whether that's in personal growth or relationship. And athletics. Like keep. Going. If you are in a game and you're losing key playing, if you are in a business and you feel stuck and frustrated and you want to quit, keep going. I kept saying how much I wanted to win in Ireland and how much the team wanted to win. And we came together beautifully as a team. To take home the movie world's trophy, we went nine and over the week. Bye. That. It was a highlight of my athletic career for sure. But I had to learn to be a leader. I learned to speak up and confront people about situations, how to learn, to keep my cool. Um, even though I did throw my hero. Uh, defense because. Um, I played in one of the worst games ever. Um, but also not every game is going to be my best. I had to learn to be vulnerable and share my vulnerability with my teammates because I was scared. Y'all. I was so scared to play. In the finals game. Because just. A lot of things, but. Uh, I had to face those fears. Um, and I, I had a friend. Really helped me. Through facing those fears. But remember that fear and feelings are not facts. And my motto for the team was we play as a team. We win as a team. We lose as a team. And I had to learn. Than I can rely and I have to rely on my teammates. And trust them to do their jobs, but also trust myself and hold myself accountable. And I learned to listen to the coaches we had because they knew what they were talking about. August was a doozy of a month. Kids started school. We celebrated. Another birthday. And I played in the nationals chameleon tournament, which was fucking brutal. I learned that I'm not equipped physically to play at higher altitudes whatsoever or in hot and dry weather. Um, because I will pass out. Uh, I learned that bash is obsessed with paintball but getting hit with a paint ball doesn't hurt that much. I learned that school supplies shopping is fun yet expensive with three kids. And I swear it goes up every single year. I learned that. Bashes just. He's just such a cool kid and I love him so much. And I love that he loves his mullet as well. September was exciting because my husband bought a new building for his work. And we started renovating that. September is also when the fair comes into town and lesson learned eat, don't have to beat your record of staying. At the fair. For as long as you did their previous years. The first year took the kids. I was by myself and we stayed at the fair for seven hours. And the second year we saved for eight hours. And this year we stayed for, I believe seven or seven and a half hours. It started to rain. So they shut down all the rides and we were like, okay, let's just go. We did it. We fared hard. We did more dog sitting in September. And we tried a new restaurant, which is now one of our favorite restaurants. And my husband bash and OJ went to a hurling tournament in Montana. Where they discovered that water can be cold. And you can have dumb luck fishing. Or no luck at all fishing. And you probably shouldn't go down into a scary basement in a bar. Um, We also celebrated October Fest in Helen, Georgia with Zach and Sienna and with OJ. And we definitely dress apart and drink all day and ate some delicious German food. The lesson learned. E early, if you go. To Oktoberfest. And get a plastic mug for beer and not one of the big glass boots with no handle because. That was a pain. October is always a busy month for us. It's birthday celebrations and our hurling tournament and Knoxville. October, it was filled with babysitting and fall break and Halloween. And also missing. An epic Halloween party. You don't get an award for being the busiest person either. Make sure you take time to slow down. And get your priorities in check. Be sure to help others when you can and go out in nature and take a walk without your phone and just be with your thoughts. It doesn't matter what others think of. You it's most important. What you think about yourself. November was filled with more birthday celebrations and an epic safari adventure. Remember to listen to your kids and don't try to fit them into this mold or have high expectations of who you want them to be. Let them decide who they want to be. And support them. Lesson learned. I completely forgot how to use a sewing machine. And it's okay to pay some money to teach your kids something. Like sewing. Um, Another lesson learned. If you go through and drive through safari and can feed the animals. Just no. Your car will get scratched and you will be disgusting. In your car, we'll be discussing afterwards, but it is worth every penny in my book. And I will do that in a heartbeat again. Um, also zebras are amazing and ostriches are just savages when it comes to food. December was filled with anticipation for Christmas. And as a time to relax Christmas time, Christmas Eve, especially is just my favorite. Time of the year. Sometimes in life you have to pivot. And something I started doing was being more intentional with my time and being more present when I'm with my kids or around friends and family. So learning to stop working when the day is done and spend quality time with. My kids. Has been such a blessing and just connecting with them more. Has been so fun. If you are starting a business or you have a business know that business. Ebbs and flows and you have to learn to reflect, evaluate and pivot when needed. Also, it's never too late to start on a health journey and learn about fitness and learn about nutrition. And, you know, with that, it ebbs and flows too. There's going to be seasons when you're busy and when you aren't eating as healthy as you would like to, and then there are going to be seasons where you have more time to. Train and more time to. Do outdoor activities, for example, and make working out fun. So just know that you can. Redirect your life at any point. So I hope you enjoyed this little recap of my 20, 23 year, and you take the time to reflect back on your year. A lot of times we forget the little things that happen or the small wins we had and we focus on the not so good times. Going through each month. Uh, pictures on my phone. Was a great reminder. You know, it was fun because I forgot a lot of things that we did this year. And I think it's important to give yourself credit for things. You tried goals you achieved and. Ways that you have changed in ways that you have grown as a person. And as always, if you enjoyed this episode and enjoy listening to this podcast, make sure you subscribe. Rate it or leave a comment because I do love connecting with y'all and remember to connect with me over on Tik TOK and Instagram. It's going to have my content. It's going to look a little different this year, and I'm really excited about it because. You know, I'm going to be trying new things. But I remember to love yourself, have fun, make memories, make mistakes, fail, learn, try, get up, keep going and call your friends and your families. So cheers to you. Cheers to the new years. And Q the new you. Since the next time I.