Cue the New You | Meritt Rollins Brown

EP 18 | When Your Energy Matches Your Emotions

Meritt Brown Season 2 Episode 18

Norman Vincent Peale wrote, "The Power of Positive Thinking," where he talks about the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. This means the outcome we expect to happen, happens because our energy matches our thoughts. 

Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about the energy force field we have and we create with our thoughts. Our brains and body like to be in sync. So when you don't feel like doing something or you keep telling yourself that you can't do something, guess what? You end up not doing that thing. You are fulfilling your own prophecy, and your energy matches your thought wavelengths. 

This episode breaks down what a fixed mindset is and what a growth mindset is, and how to plan ahead of time so you can then feel empowered and start doing the things you want to do in your life. 




Once I'm cuties. today's going to be about these self fulfilling prophecy. And I learned this through or from. Norman Vincent Peale who wrote the power of positive thinking. So let's define self fulfilling prophecy. The process in which. We have a false expectation that leads. To its own confirmation. So in a self fulfilling prophecy. And individual's expectations about another person or entity. Eventually results in the other person acting in ways that confirms those expectations. In the book, the power of positive thinking. Gives an example of this self fulfilling prophecy. He talks about when you start a new job and on the first day of work, you think to yourself, That you won't do a good job. Or maybe that people won't like you or you won't fit in. you don't. Have enough knowledge to do the job well that you end up behaving in a way that matches those thoughts. And Joe just spins up, talks about her. Dr. Joe just spends, uh, always talks about the. Frequency. Where our thoughts. Match our energy. And. Our thoughts are what create our feelings and our feelings are what create our habits or routines or actions or. Inactions. And that creates our energy or our vibe. So, if you are thinking in this negative thought, loop then your feelings are gonna match those thoughts. That frequency. And the last episode I talked about being in a rut because my energy is being matched with the thoughts that I've been thinking. Therefore I have no energy. To do anything and, because our bodies try to match our brains vibrations. Which means your behavior is going to match your feelings in a negative way. And. Our brains are accustomed to this negative confirmation bias anyways. and that's just an ancestral thing that. We have, and. That's where our brains store evidence of such outcomes as true and real. And then we attach the meaning of see. Talking about the job. Like, see, I knew I wouldn't fit in or see. I knew I wouldn't be good at this job. Because I don't know how to do it. Well, And the more evidence that we store the more times we believe these thoughts, the more we start believing in this negative thought loop. I just want to reiterate, it's not to say that you have to think positively all the time. There is something called. Hyper positivity. Because this is more about emotional maturity. And. Growing. And evolving into. Someone who understands emotions and. Understands how they can change the trajectory of their life. Well in one decision. How you can. Shift your thoughts. And achieve whatever results you want to achieve. And you become empowered when you then kick your printed brain out of autopilot, and then you become. The pilot of your life or the driver of your life so this is about. Your your personal growth. And. In order to do that, you. Need to understand the human experience and. You need to feel. All the emotions. So the good, the bad, the ugly, the negative, the positive. And it's how you respond to. The quote-unquote negative. Parts of it. Are you actually feeling these feelings? Are you accepting? Why you're feeling this way. And then are you doing something to get out of? Those negative feelings. Or processing it enough to. Let those feelings go because our bodies do hold onto past trauma and hold on to. Tension and. We may not be aware of where it's placed in the body or how it can come out. at different times. But you are helping yourself. Bye. Learning different. Personal development tools. That helped guide you and. Help you live. As cliche as it sounds, live your life to the fullest and being able to reach those big and scary goals. Being able to do the things that you want to do. Okay. Anyways, that was kind of a tangent, but. Realizing and understanding your thought loops and patterns will help you recognize your habits in your habit loops. And this is how you start changing your behaviors and belief system is. By becoming aware of your thoughts and then becoming aware of how you feel when you think those songs. Because again, Hour. Energy matches what's going on in our. Minds. And Norman goes on to state how to change. Outcomes. And he suggests you first start by visualizing your goals and think how achieving these goals would benefit you or. Impact your life. Then you visualize any obstacles and problems. Then you may face on the way to achieving this goal. So what are. The hiccup second, come along when. Achieving this goal. And a lot of times I can be. I don't know, your kid gets sick or. Y what, what has happened in the past that kind of came up. As a surprise to you or what, something that you feel so you are fearful, fearful of. Putting your face. Online talking about this subject, like that is an obstacle. That fear is going to prohibit you from reaching your goal. If you don't make a plan to overcome that. So you visualize the obstacles and problems that you may face. On the way to achieving this goal. So you are planning ahead of time. And Charles, do you HIG? He wrote the power of habits. Talks about planning ahead of time. Which is just essentially making a plan to overcome those obstacles or those problems in order to change your routine or your behavior. So you are planning ahead of time. If my kid gets sick, but I have to do this in my business that day. How can you. Be there for both or. What can you, do you have a backup of a day? Planned where, You do more? I don't know, just see EO work versus you have to create. This reel or this podcast or whatever it is. Did you, are you creating content ahead of time or are you just doing it? On the whim. So getting clear about what you want to achieve, but also writing down some obstacles I can come up and then you make a plan for those. So when we start to visualize our positive outcomes and not only opens our brains up to the active possibility, but we are mentally. Contrasting our lives. And our first learned about visualization. When I took sports psychology in college, I have a psychology degree. And, I took sports psychology because I went to college to play D one soccer too. And I thought this would be. Uh, fairly easy. Class because. I was a psychology major and played sports, but, and also one of my favorite professors was teaching it. Anyways, so. And I'm just loved learning about the brain and why people do the things that they do. Um, and I also took psychology because I have the fascination with serial killers. Um, not that I'm a true crime junkie. Like I don't. I love learning about the psychology behind. Serial killers. And I didn't like a whole thing on. Jeffrey Dahmer when I was a senior. Anyways. Um, so the professor asked me to do a visualization project that dealt with rugby. He was also the coach where the rugby. For the women's rugby team in college. And he was trying to get me to play rugby because I quit. Soccer anyways. So he came out to the. Feel the soccer field with me and he brought the, I don't know what they're called. Then you brought the rugby ball out and he told me to. Close my eyes. Well, actually I think we started off with just. Kicking the. Ball over the field goal post. You set it up, we set it up like a football. I don't know if that's actually how it's done, but that's what we did. So I started. Kicking it over. The. Field goal. And which kicking a rugby ball is definitely different than kicking a football. Uh, my ankle hurt so bad afterwards. But after I did that a couple of times, and I missed some, I made some, he told me to close my eyes and visualize myself. Successfully kicking the ball over the field goal. And I did this like a hundred times. At different angles and at different distances. We had calculated my success rate of when I visualized. Myself, kicking the ball over the field goal in the times when I didn't visualize. That. I definitely do not remember the statistics of this experiment because that was well over a decade ago. But I still use the tactic of visualization. To this day in sports. And that's why I think that's. Why I approached the field. In a. Calmer manner than. I did. And then pass because the night before, well, I know tournament's coming up. And I think about it more often, but. Aye. Sit there. And I visualize, okay. If I pick up the ball is how I pick up the ball. This is what I can do with it. Um, I know where my teammates should be and I can. Do an easy pass. And that direction, or I know how to hit from the left side so I can run that way and then run that way. And then. Make a point, make a goal, whatever. Um, and I go through different scenarios like that in my, in my head. And I know, I always say that I get nervous before a game, which I do, but it's. As soon as I think it's just because I don't know what to expect. Although I am prepared. To play. The game, if that makes sense. Practicing visualization helps. Me, even in my business and in my relationships in the way that I communicate, a lot of times I will go over like a scenario in my head and practice it. And then when. That comes up, especially with confrontation with me. I kind of know. A couple of things I can say, which makes me feel better about a situation. And just like taking jujitsu. I am. Getting a lot of muscle memory. And so I can visualize if this scenario happened, this is what I can do. If this scenario happen, I can do this. Uh, so it just helps. Prepare. Not only my mind, but also my nervous system. When. That's if that scenario comes true or not, I. Can be. Somewhat prepared instead of being blindsided by it. But you can start to visualize your best self in the best case scenario, but also you can plan ahead of time before when things don't go according to your plan. And you can visualize and plan what you will do if. If someone crosses a boundary. Or if someone almost hits you all, you're driving. or if somebody randomly starts yelling at you or if he ended up missing a flight because you were late to the airport. Can kind of plan through. Those obstacles. In order to. Have. Some awareness and knowledge of how you could show up. In those worst case scenarios. So you aren't. Overreacting or you aren't reacting in a way that like your fight or flight. Your flight responses and taking over when. It should be. Fight response. And. Norman states that quote your attitude, determines your entire life into quotes. And I believe that's true because again, Our body and brain like to be on the same. Frequency. And when those are out of alignment, then there's definitely a disconnect there. Um, but a lot of times I gave her in this negative thought loop. You're going to feel in a negative way. You're going to have negative outcomes. If you're in a more positive, like let's get shit done. Mindset then your body is going to respond to that. And then you're going to. It's like all of a sudden you just have more energy. And you end up doing more and then you're like, man, I feel really good. Um, how can I keep this going? And then that kind of snowballs into. You doing more things and then achieving goals and then setting more goals and then kind of repeating that pattern. And your attitude. Is determined by your mindset and your mindset is based on the thoughts you have and how you process your emotions and what your habits are. And changing your mindset is like having a gym membership. The more you work out with a plan in intention, the more results you're not only going to see with your body, but also how you feel about yourself. We'll change. And the more you practice and implement. Tools and resources and you in your life for personal development. Reasons and the more your mindset will start to change. And the more your thoughts shift in the better you'll get at processing your emotions and. Learning to respond instead of react. And the more. Healthy habits you will. Create and develop, and then you will. Learn to create bigger and better results in your life. And just site with working out changing your mindset is not an overnight process. However, the more aware you become and the more you practice these tools and resources, the Maurier that you are going to show up for yourself. And the more that you trust yourself, the more that you believe in yourself, the easier it will get and the greater your mind will become in the long run. And the greater your life will get. You guys, ultimately, you're going to start achieving the things that you want to achieve. And there are. Two. Main mindset types. So you have a fixed mindset, and this is when you do not have belief that your abilities or character traits can change. Which means you have a more close mind. Which means you aren't open for change and you often avoid challenges or you give up easily when obstacles arise. Because again, you aren't planning ahead of time. Maybe you don't know how maybe you haven't been taught that. Or you can develop learned helplessness. Um, a lot of times you don't see anything that will give you a better life. Then you get stuck in this victim. Based mentality, which is just always being a victim of something or blaming others for your problems and not taking responsibility for. Your own thoughts and your own actions. And so you rely on others to fix you or fix your situation. And therefore you are not trusting yourself or your, or you aren't believing in yourself. Or what you're capable of. Then you have the growth mindset and which helps you develop belief in self trust and you are more open-minded, which means that you are more acceptable to which means you are more acceptable to change and you look for ways to. Be constantly improving. And you do not develop, learn helplessness. You, instead you ask questions, you get curious, you solve problems efficiently. You understand that failing. Does equal success because with every success has come with failures. And then you just keep trying and you learn that. I haven't done this thing yet. I haven't met this goal yet. So then you stop and you pause and you evaluate and you say, well, this isn't working for me. Well, this has worked for me. So let me try that. Which means you don't quit easily and you embrace challenges as opportunities, and you have a plan for your obstacles. And you can develop a strong growth mindset. When using what I've talked about before the model. And you can go from your current thinking and behaviors who, who you want to be in the future. And the model. Is based on if you haven't listened to that podcast. Um, but it's based on cognitive psychology. And Pavlov has done a study on it. And I read it in a financial book. That your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings, create your actions, your actions create your results. And then Brooke Castillo, who's a life coach broke it down. Into an easy way to digest into use in your everyday. So that's what, that's what I like to use. That's. That's what made it easy for me to. Get this personal development. Going. In doing the model that helps you become aware of what your current thought patterns are and why you feel the way you feel. About your. Current results that you have in your life. And then you. Learn kind of how to bridge the gap of going from where you currently are to where you want to be. And the model can help identify what some of your limiting beliefs are. How you can get out of your comfort zone. It helps you break down certain identities that you are still holding on to. Like your past identities and it helps shift the focus of. External things. That are controlling your. Life, and it focuses on the inner. Work. That you need to develop an order to. Be the person who leads your life. And that's the idea behind the self fulfilling prophecy. Is aware. You think, and you feel one way about something and then. Your energy matches. That. Frequency. In that vibration. And then the thing that you're thinking and feeling ends up becoming true. And then you don't, you don't. You aren't aware of. The downfall that can have, um, when you are aware of. Your thoughts? And. When you aren't aware of how you can change your thoughts and how you can improve your feelings. And. Taking different actions or just taking an action in general can help. Propel you to where you want to go. In your life. And that's, what's so great about having. A coach or a mentor. Because they help you they can help you see. An obstacle or a limiting belief or. Hope you change a recurring negative thought that you have about yourself. Which then allows you to, we can't change what we aren't aware of. So when we hear something that. You have low confidence because you believe this thought about yourself. Then you can break down and. Unpack why. You're believing this thought. And so once you're aware of that, then you can start. The process of change. Which I think is really fun. To do. Not saying that it's easy, but it can be fun because then when you get into learning about yourself and reconnecting with yourself and you learn to love yourself and trust yourself and believe in yourself and believing in the things that. You want to achieve then? Your life just becomes. Amazing. And then you're filled with so much more gratitude. And. Just for me. And I'm speaking about my experience. I'm just filled with more. Calmness. And I'm not stressing out over every little thing. I'm not bottling up my emotions. And then. Something happens and then they just. Explode and. I'm like freaking out. And I feel more empowered now than I've ever felt in my life. Then I'm choosing to do what I want. To do in my life and I'm showing up as. Most of the time as who I want to show up as. And when I'm not. I can see. What is an aligning and where the disconnect is, which then helps me. Overcome what. I need to overcome. In order to get to where I want to go. And so that's my hope for you is to just learn how to reconnect with yourself and. Learn to be self-aware. So then you can be com. Emotionally mature. And you just get curious and you ask yourself questions and. You. Challenge your thoughts in your beliefs? And is this belief. Serving who I want to be in the feature. If it's not, what do I want to believe? My last episode was about being in a rut. And it's like how, how to get out of. Uh, rut and learning this and practicing. Self-development in. Self awareness will help you get out in. And it'll help you take action too. Live the life that you want to live. Also, if you liked. This episode. This, I just took a section from. My course queue the new you. And so these are things that.. You will learn and I go into even more detail. Within the course. And if you have not heard of Q the new you, it's a six week.. Holistic.. Course that goes over. Mental physical and emotional health and wellbeing. And. Helps you become aware. Of how the brain works and how autopilot works and how to. Use your prefrontal cortex versus your primitive brain.. And how to visualize. For your feature and how to plan. According to your obstacles or problems that arise, how to challenge your beliefs. I teach you about. Thought ladders and. How to break the negative thought patterns that you have, how to develop.. Healthier habits and how to create routines. And I go over all of that and especially in the brain, body connection. So when our.. Nervous system and pairs sympathetic nervous system come into play. Um, what that feels like in the body. What. Things that you can do to. Help. Heal and help connect.. With your nervous system. Um, Which has led me to not be as anxious as I once was. It has, I mean, to not be. Depressed. Like I once was.. It has helped me too. Build a healthy relationship between my body, myself and food., Which that was toxic for so long. So everything in the course is things that I have used. That have tremendously improves my life, that I know that it will improve.. Your life and. It's exciting to me to share all of the things.. With you. So anyways, so that's from. My six week holistic course.. Cue the new you. And. If you're interested in enrolling in that. Or do you have any questions? Then you can always DM me. On Instagram or on Tik TOK. Both at Marilyn's brown. And yeah, I will. Wrap this up and I will talk to y'all. Next week. Okay, bye.